Saturday, July 17, 2010

Livin the Dream

I have to be honest with you all. This will not be a "real" post because I am smack-dab in a music festival and we are between shows. The money has been well worth it, just last night I spent over five hours listening to some of the best live music I have ever heard, if not THE best.

There have been Canadian bands (lots), an American group, and an Isreali group so far. All have delivered. There has been dancing and beer and new friends.

As glorious as the music is, the people here for the Dawson Music Festival are a completely new breed of crazy awesomeness. Every color, shape, age, style. Everyone is dancing. Everyone is drunk. Most people have a dog, which adds to the atmosphere. The dogs are as diverse as the owners.

The money has been well worth it already and we still have tonight and all day tomorrow. Yesterday we got back around 3, and we're expecting that again tonight, if we don't end up at an after-party.

Just in case someone important is reading, yes, we did do cataloging today. Sporadic rain made it difficult, but it is getting done. We plan to actually head out on a "tour" of the mines tomorrow for some of the visitors.

I'm off to another jam session.


(I promise pics and a real post soon)


  1. I like that because your area is so remote that an event like a music festival is attended by one and all in the area. I can totally relate being from a small isolated desert-town. If there was an event at the park, everyone was there. And I mean everyone. (What else were you gonna do?) Most events in Albuquerque cater to particular cliques of the overall spread of denizens, but in small towns it is a different good-time. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

  2. Definitely more than the town even! People come from EVERYWHERE... the town grew by at least three times, based on what I saw in traffic and stores and such. The closest city, Whitehorse, is 6 hours away, and I've met people from everywhere that comes to it!
    It was a total blast!
