Monday, June 28, 2010

You Actually Had Quite a Lot to Drink

This will be a short post, and with lots of fun random Yukon photos to appease the masses. Woke up to a very, very rainy and cold Dawson. Beth mentioned that we were not headed to the field today, and because I was so chilly I walked into town and had a hot breakfast at a cafe. It was really nice.

Other than that, the only real job of the day (it was a big one though) was to begin the task of sorting and cataloging the bones that we have gotten out of the field. There have been three days of collections, with a total of 12 bags full of bones. We are sorting them by day (well, they are in bags by the day), then by animal and then by type of bone. I learned a lot about identification of certain bones, and of what bone goes with what animal. There are small differences and it will take me a while to catch on, but I think it will be possible. We have mammoth, bison, horse, and caribou from the first day. Others may be added, but these four are the most likely suspects for everything right now.

There is more rain in the forecast, but I believe we are headed back into the field tomorrow. I'm sure it will be messy and fun, like always!

Hope everyone is doing well, I hear the monsoon season has basically started in Albuquerque! Yay!


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