Thursday, July 1, 2010

No, Officers, this is Not Cocaine...It's Volcanic Ash!

Well, the contest is still up for grabs. Not even an attempt so far! Perhaps you all are scared at failing? Do I need to say what is up for grabs before people become competitive? Maybe I should give something for the most creative answer... Maybe people are actually just looking at the pictures and not reading the blog anyway? :)

I hope this isn't getting too repetitive. Beth said she doesn't want me to be bored so we should take some days off and see some things. I know the Dawson City Music Festival is in a few weeks and is supposed to be ca-razy, but overall, I'm not feeling bored!

We went down to Quartz Creek today, where there was monitoring going on. We began by recording some things in situ, and walking around in the muck. After hours of monitoring, when the water is turned off there is usually a nice collection of things around. This time it was no different. Lots of bones and a mammoth tusk, still stuck in the ice. We will be going back tomorrow to see if any more of it has emerged. One thing about tusks (bison, mammoth, whatever), they.are.STINKY. Stay on your fingers after several washings stink.

I actually had to be pulled out of the mud today. I was very, very stuck and Tyler was nice enough to come help me (he had a major wipeout on the ice with an impressive camera save earlier in the day). Eventually, I had to stand on one of his feet with the other up in the air as he pulled and pulled on my empty boot to try to get it unstuck. I could see it happening but wasn't able to avoid it. In the end, I stayed relatively clean.

Another night is being spent cataloging and sampling some of the last few days of bones. I think we still have something like nine bags to go through... Cheers? :)

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