Wednesday, June 23, 2010

All packed early?!?

The title above is a bit misleading. While I am currently NOT packed, I do have everything set out on the guest bed, waiting to be put/shoved/folded/mashed into the two backpacks. Since I am not in the Yukon yet, and have no exciting pictures of archaeological features or Hawaii, I thought instead I would share what I am bringing on the trip! Ooooooo.

This is my list. I am quite the list person. I have highlighted everything when it was placed on the bed, and will cross it off when it goes in one of the bags.

This is what the bed currently looks like. I hope it will be empty by the time this is published and you all are reading it.

I have had help during the packing process. Here is one of my assistants taking a break, begging for treats.

I also wanted to show you all one of my favorite things I am packing. They will be both necessary and entertaining. These were a gift from my boyfriend Ryan's sister at Christmas. She found them somewhere on the internet.
I present to you all: bacon bandaids.

With these babies packed, anything is possible.

Cheers, see you all in the North, unless I get stranded in an airport.

(By the way, sorry about this post being random. I am trying to figure out how long it is going to take to upload pictures, label pictures, write and edit a blog post, and add the pictures. Surprisingly, and thankfully, my report so far is not long.)


  1. So sad the bacon band-aid photo is not showing up for me. :( Watch out when you wear know how bears love meat. hahahahaha! Have fun and stay safe! Will be eagerly anticipating your next post. Love you....Mom xo

    PS Would like to see the finished product. What did all that stuff fit into??

  2. Ta dah....the bacon band-aid appeared. TOO FUNNY!

  3. Jana, you are too hilarious! I laughed at the photo of your assistant until I saw the bacon band-aids. Then I REALLY laughed...until I started to crave bacon.

  4. @Jean/Mom
    Glad you could see the bacon bandaids. They have not been used yet. Was not able to get a picture of the finished pack, but just think of a backpack that is about your size tall, and everything fit in there more or less.

    You should see the pickle ones!
